Hunger hurts, but starvin works:

     Yesterday was the primary in my fair state.  I spent my evening phone banking for one of the democratic candidates by the name of Cherie Buckner-Webb.  I first met Cherie after my friend began working for the campaign.  I was wrangled in via a Facebook event invite and was not familiar with her platform at all.  I did the basic Google search before working my first session a few weeks back, but braved the activity.  Never in my life have I been met with a more caring, passionate, and fun embrace.
     My first evening volunteering brought me many laughs.  And snacks!  There were crackers and cookies and cheeses, oh my!  Not to mention Hansen sodas and chilled bottle water, which was recycled after use.  After making at least fifty phone calls and meeting several new and fun personalities I decided to call it a night.  As I was gathering my things Cherie walked into campaign headquarters and already knew my name.  She had been out doing personal door to door literature drops, but decided to make one more stop before heading home.  She gave me a powerful hug and explained how grateful she was for me donating my time to "our" cause.
     I'm not a huge fan of bringing emotion into politics and quite frankly, it embarrasses me when women in politics tear up or offer maternal empathy.  However, a hug has never told me so much about a person.  This embrace told me everything I needed to know about Cherie and her compassion.  I fully endorse Cherie Buckner-Webb for numerous reasons and welcome you to look into her endorsements, credentials and to volunteer any time for this awe inspiring campaign!
     On a lighter note I would like to discuss her attire the day of the primary.  I would like to use two words first, then move onto an elaboration.


     This was the perfect outfit to wear.  Wish I had a better picture with it buttoned, but she still looks fine!  Her skin looked perfect in contrast to the fire brigade, red suit.  Paired with her amazing smile and personality to match...I couldn't have picked anything better.  

     Make sure to stay up-to-date with:

Keith Allred (pictured above)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love your story, love your style. -Jody