
Disclaimer: This is personal and in no way am I offended by your beliefs. If you have found happiness in your life, then I am happy for you. No offense is intended. I just need to get some thoughts out of my mind.

"I have discussed with my senior high small group my concerns for youth and what happens when they leave and enter the world of higher education. The beliefs and morals that were so important to them seem to get eroded at an alarming rate. It seems that if we change our personal "law" we successfully lower or eliminate our guilt for anything we do. It would seem that you can achieve a temporary feeling of having a good life by this thought process."
--A family member

I think it is time for me to finally put some words down about science and religion. For some time, I have allowed myself to believe in a God, or higher power and fate, but now that I'm growing and really finding myself and connecting to my beliefs, I can no longer continue with this thought process.

Praying really seems illogical to me. I can't count on someone deciding whether or not I am going to have fortune or suffer. I have learned that I can truly only believe in myself and my abilities. If I need to do well on a test or if my family is having bad financial luck, I place the responsibility on myself. I must study harder or get a job. When sickness strikes a family member I will not sit back and ask someone to take care of the ill. I will read and inquire and go to doctor appointments. I will be there emotionally and help in any way that I can, but wishing on a lucky star that someone will be cured is not useful or proper. To be a truly decent friend and family member, you must first find happiness in yourself and be proud of your actions. Judging yourself using ideals instilled by fear mongers is absolutely pointless. Make yourself happy. Faith is lazy. Words are cheap...actions speak.

I think things are much more simple than faith. It takes very little to study facts and to judge them based on validity. This process is called logic. Socrates had something going for him. I highly suggest reading about him and his modesty. It might take you a long way. All I know is that I know nothing in the grand scheme of things. Although science is a long process and is often tedious and difficult, there is empirical data. Data that I can truly believe in and can see the numbers and the evidence. Would you like to be tried by a jury that relied mysticism rather than real, tangible evidence?

As for our guilt being lowered by higher education, well that's malarkey. Higher education is simply the transition from youth's often times gullibility to a more reliable form of reasoning. One in which truth is valued and magic is fun to play with, but not to believe in. Illusions are not what they seem and neither is Genesis. Take everything with a grain of salt, but add lots of sugar to things.

Tatum is freaking out, so I will return with more ramblings.

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