
I have been consumed by "The Twilight Series" by Stephanie Meyer and I'll be God damned. I am in over my head. I can't put it down. It's a nice distraction from the complications of everyday life.

Tatum's fourth tooth is coming out. Last night was hard for us both. I needed and wanted Dan's help, but I didn't want him to feel like I was tricking him into spending the night at my house. I want him to see that I am okay with him needing time and space to deal with my most recent relationship blemish. Tomorrow is Dan's birthday and I have some cute and fun plans for all of us!

I've got a few thoughts brewing, but I need to perfect them before I get them into writing. I know that I love Dan and I am sorry for letting things turn out this way. It really hurts me to know that I have hurt him. When a funny thing happens to me or I just want to be goofy, the only person who has the ability to satisfy me is Dan and anyone else I ever encounter would just be a meager and lacking under study.

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